What is Facial Rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation is also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture.  It is a very effective, safe, non surgical treatment which reduces the signs of aging.  The treatment stimulates the body to heal itself, by addressing the physical, mental and emotional patterns that cause disease and which contribute to the aging process.

Based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, by promoting Qi and Blood, circulation improves,  Fine lines are eliminated, the pores of the skin tighten, reducing bags under the eyes and eliminating puffiness, Collagen production is increased and skin elasticity is restored, resulting in smooth and youthful looking skin.


What is involved

As with all Acupuncture treatments, a consultation takes place with the person to establish medical history, hereditary factors, diet, lifestyle, work and emotions.  In Acupuncture the person must be treated as a whole, therefore any other complaints or symptoms will be treated in conjunction with the process of rejuvenating the face.  The general treatment takes place first and while this treatment is in progress the practitioner moves to the upper body and commences work on the neck, face and head.  Very fine sterile disposable needles are also used on the face and the size is applicable to this part of the body.  The treatment is very exact and detailed and takes considerable time and concentration.  However, it is also a very relaxing process and results are observed almost immediately.

It is recommended to continue with a course of this treatment on a regular basis for the duration required to gain and maintain the best results possible.   Treatments can take up to 2 ½ hours, as once all the needles have been inserted, again it is important for the person to relax and obtain the maximum benefit from the process.
